CoinMarketBrasil will begin the sale in the initial offer of "CMBToken"
CMBToken, cryptocurrency from CoinmarketBrasil ICO will start next month.
Next week, our new partnerships, information and whitepaper will be announced.
65,000,000CMBT MAX (Maximum Tokens)
ICO (Initial Offer)
($ 722,817 is available for payment in dollars and bitcoin)
41,000,000CMBT USD 0.044
12 527 777,78CMBT Will be sold through platforms in the United States with payments in bitcoin and dollar.
(R $ 510,000 will be available for payments in reais)
41,000,000CMBT BRL 1.41
28 472 222,22 It will be sold on a Brazilian fundraising platform.
28 472 222,22 It will be sold on a Brazilian fundraising platform.
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